The Aztec, New Mexico Crash Retrieval of 1948

Everyone of course knows about the famous UFO crash that occurred in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, which really started the push for the cover-up. Not many people know about the 1948 Aztec, New Mexico crash that happened on March 25th of a 100ft long circular disc also recovered by the military and quickly covered up. The Aztec crash was said to have been tracked on over 3 different radar systems so it was a documented case. One of these radar systems they say was the cause of this UFO crash due to the radar disrupting the crafts control systems making it take a deep dive right on another ranch. The military quickly sent out its IPU(Interplanetary Phenomena Unit) of the Army Counterintelligence Directorate, and notified Air Defense Command as well as General George C. Marshall who was then Secretary of State. General Marshall then involved the famous MJ-12 Group who was involved in any and all UFO encounters or should I say clean-ups/cover-ups!

The Aztec (NM) Library: Little Green Funders

Within hours the entire crash site was cleaned up by the IPU scout team which was about 12 miles northeast of Aztec, New Mexico. All the crash debris was loaded onto what was made to look like oil drilling rigs, but were really just equipment hauling trucks. All main roads were avoided by the equipment trucks, they were told to only use the back roads as road blocks were set up in a 2 mile radius at strategic points. Of course like always the Rancher and his family were threatened to keep their mouths shut and told never to speak about what happened. The debris traveled to Durango Airfield, Colorado which was only 35 miles north of Aztec and this is where the Scientists from MJ-12 were waiting to do their research upon request of Dr. Vannever Bush Chief scientist of MJ-12. Everyone that was involved in this were all sworn to an above top secret oath. Now just like Roswell, they say their were also bodies recovered during the cleanup of the debris, which 3 days later after arriving at Durango Airfield where once again loaded onto trucks covered with a tarp labeled “Explosives”, then trasported to the restricted Naval Auxiliary Airfield Complex at Los Alamos, which again took all the back routes to avoid being seen, arriving 1 week later. This entire crash at Aztec has been very well documented with great information in detail in “UFO Crash at Aztec” by William S. Steinman with contributions by the U.S. Air force Lieutenant Colonal Wendelle C. Stevens, Ret. This case is just as important as Roswell but many people over look it or just have plan out never heard of it which is why I have decided to put this information here for you all to read about. If you enjoyed this, I suggest reading the book by Mr. Steinman.

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